Gallery - The Arcade Room

In the summer of 2017 I decided that it was finaly time to build the arcade room. This is one of the rooms that means the most to me as I have always dreamed about having my own arcade machine (so this is actually a bit of an upgrade). My plan was that the room should be dark with a red carpet on the floor and the light from the arcade machines should break the black colors and bring light to the surroundings. I decided to put "black brick wallpaper" on the walls. After I finished the room my racetrack was set up temporary while I finished the racing room for the slot cars.

I took a bunch of pictures of most of the work so I could share the process here on the page :) This room is located right beside the allready finished gaming room: link

All of the pictures below show the process from the summer 2016 and untill the room was ready for use. The entire project is WIP so the rooms are constantly improved and changed. Unfortunatly I'm only able to use the arcade room during the summer periode due to the cold Danish weather.

The arcade room is around 65m3

Building the Room


2016-07-05: The wall to the gaming room. A long way to go before I can use this for my arcade machines :)


2016-07-12: Step one level the floor. This involved mixing a lot of cement. I used around 10000kg sand and gravel for all of the rooms. A wheelbarrel is an excelent invention :) On this picture the cement is dry.


2016-07-13: Step 2 build the wooden skeleton for the walls. It's on days like this I'am really happy for my powertools.



2016-07-22:I had to raise the floor to create a nice finish along the supporting pillars. The large gaming room is behind the wall to the right .


2016-10-19: I had to raise the floor to create a nice finish along the supporting pillars.


2016-12-02: Outer walls have been isolated and I'm working on the inner walls. The airhockey table is waiting patiently and my upcomming 4-player cabinet is also waiting to the assembly process.


2016-12-11: Finishing the isolation of the outer walls.



2017-12-18: Beginning to take shape :)


2017-03-06: All of the walls have been constructed and prepared for the wallpaper. The roof and pillars have been painted black.


2017-03-08: First part of the wallpaper. This actually turned out ok. I had a lot of problems with the wallpaper in some other parts of the room later on.



2017-03-11: Beginning to look good.


2017-03-17: Wallpaper applied in all of the room.


2017-03-17: Laying the sound dampening and leveling floor tiles. The carpet goes on top of these.



2017-03-20: Red carpet added. Looks just as I had hoped.


2017-03-23: The racetrack was temporary placed in the arcade room while it was constructed. Sandra and Mikkel took a quick drive (Sandra almost sent a car on the floor).


2017-03-23: The airhockey table ready for use. There is still no electricity and light in the room so a large 1000W work lamp is the only light source at this moment.



2017-06-08: Beginning to look finished. A lot of the arcade machines need detailing and there is a lot of stuff in the room that doesn't belong.


2017-06-08: The large 4 player arcade machine needs repainting. I changed my mind about how I wanted it to look during the work :(


2017-03-23: First real gaming in the arcade room. Once again Sandra and Mikkel trying their luck with "Rainbow Island" and "R-Type"



2017-07-06: Overview picture before the racetrack was moved to the new racing room.